Monday, June 9, 2008

We're on the move!

Well -- I think we're ready to attempt the long drive to Nebraska...and I think we're probably crazy trying to drive that far with a little person, but here we come!

So for those of you in Nebraska (or somehow en route...) we are planning on leaving here on Saturday, stopping in Dallas, and then driving to Omaha on Sunday. We will be in town until probably Thursday or so, although we are leaving that open until we see how Will does with traveling (or how his parents do with traveling WITH him...). We would love to see as many people as possible while we're there, so if you are around, please let us know and we'll get together...

On another note, Will had his one month check up today. He weighs 10 lbs, 12 oz now and is 23 inches long. All of that puts him in the 70th percentile on the growth chart, which is the same place he was at birth, so we're holding steady. He impressed the Dr. by holding his head and chest up while he was on his stomach and moving his head around to follow sound. He has also started to coo and smile a little bit so play time has started to be a little more fun for mom and dad! :)


Big Fun said...

Be very careful driving with my boyfriend. Mother Nature is not being to kind to the Mid West lately!

Krissy said...

How was it? Can't wait to see pics of Will in Nebraska! Go Big Red! (I can say that because it's not football season)!

Karen said...

Nice to know that little Will is maintaining his "Huskiness" and is looking healthy and happy!!!
Tootie saw his little happy face in the picture and immediately "shah-baby'd" him. (In Cajun that means OMGhowCUTEisTHAT!!!)It's the ultimate...
Have fun up there and stay away from Auntie Em!! Smooches to all!