Friday, March 14, 2014

Rodeo fun. :)

Our rodeo trip couldn't be all about mutton bustin!  Bellamy had her own ideas about what we needed to do while we were there too, of course!

While we waited for Will to go get a new cowboy hat (I guess his daddy thought he earned one by being stomped on by the sheep??;) ) Bell and I went and visited Ms. Moo. :)

And then it was off to the pony rides!  A year ago we couldn't get Bellamy anywhere near the pony riding, but this year was a very different story.  She told Todd over and over how much she LOVED her pony. :)

After walking around to check out all the animals inside, we headed outside for a little fun on the farm.  

After all your hard work you have to make sure you get paid, of course.  This year you earned two dollars.  One to buy your snack and one to put in the bank. :)

Another successful trip to the rodeo!

Mutton Bustin!

I'm pretty sure that Will's absolute favorite event of the year is the rodeo.  He loves to go and look at all the animals, exhibits, and spend as much time as possible out there taking it all in.  And there is one event in particular that has always had his attention -- mutton bustin.

You have to 5 to participate and he has been looking forward to his shot for the last couple of years.  This year is finally his year. 

Here's B discussing with Daddy what animal she is going to ride since Will gets to ride a sheep.  She thought maybe a pig would be a good choice, but we settled on a pony. :)

Where's Will??

Getting suited up for the big ride!  This mama is getting a little nervous watching all the gear go on...

But he is SO excited!

And there he goes!!

Hanging on tight!

Still going strong across the arena!

He started slipping off but he wasn't letting go!  He made it all the way across before the sheep officially had enough of him.

Still smiling even after get a little kick in the gut from the sheep.  
96 points and in 1st place after his ride!

The 1st place finish didn't stay that way (one more rider scored one more point) but this little cowboy was still excited about his ride and is ready to do it again!  

Is it here yet??

I know this probably doesn't go over very well with those of you north of us, but we are ready for spring around here!  I mean, I realize our winter is not real winter, but it has actually been kind of cold and gross here this year and I am ready for it to be over!  Usually by spring break we have all kinds of beautiful color and sunshine, but it's really being slow about getting here this year.  Instead what we have is leaves.  Lots and lots of leaves.  Falling constantly.  The bright side is that not a single acorn is littering our yard this year, and they are a whole lot harder to clean up than leaves.  And you can't really jump in piles of acorns.  

So I guess for now I'll keep raking...and re-raking when these two destroy the piles by playing in them.  Oh well...some day it will be their turn to rake but for now they are only little for a little while, right?:)