Wednesday, January 21, 2009

On the run...

After 8 months of pretty much just talking about the little guy and all of his accomplishments, one of the grown ups in the house actually has something to report -- Over the weekend I completed my first half marathon! Our friend Chris was nice enough to be willing to slow down long enough to run it with me and we finished in just under 2 hours. It was a great experience and Will and Todd were there to cheer me on -- and what a cheering section they were! :)

Here are my faithful boys up early and waiting to see us run by!

Chris and I in all our post race glory...

Will is really much more interested in my medal than he is in his mama!

I'm sure the next post will be back to the same old baby news...:)


JR said...

You ran a 1/2 marathon like 8 months after having a kid? You are a crazy woman. Impressive, though!

Krissy said...

I am so impressed!! Way to go :) Maybe next year I will do it with you - if you do it again!! :)