Sunday, November 15, 2009

Dear Coach Pelini...

Nice game Saturday! My mom was worried for a little while, but I had faith all along. I was a little distracted because I was at my girlfriend's birthday party, but I managed to keep up.

I am actually writing to let you know that I am right on track to be a Husker! I just went to the doctor for my 18 month checkup. I am now 32 inches and almost that many pounds! Now my parents and the doctor seem to think that being at the top of the growth chart is reason to watch my milk intake and portions, but they don't understand. Miss Wanda and I have been following a stringent training program that includes heavy milk drinking and pot roast lunches. She even practices three-point stances with me when we play football in the living room -- she's the best!

Everything else is going well too -- I am hitting all my milestones right on track, and even some a little early. Now I don't have to go back to the doctor until my birthday. I'm all grown up -- the doctor said no more "baby" check ups!

Good luck with the rest of the season -- maybe I'll see you at the Big 12!

Go Big Red!!


JR said...

I love that Herbie outfit. Fantastic :)

Elyse said...

Will, you are just too cute!! We love you! Chris, Melissa, and Elyse
P.S. Can't wait to cheer you on in the Big 12 one day!!!