Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Happy Easter!

Whew! What a weekend! Easter weekend was a whirlwind of activity around this place and every minute of it was so much fun. We started our weekend with the first crawfish boil of the season -- and two of the best were in charge of the cooking! It was a great afternoon because we got to see friends that we haven't seen for a while, Todd got his crawfish fix, and Will got his first dip in the pool of the year out of the way. Yep, in the pool. No, it wasn't warm enough. But Tootie, who is deeply in love with Will, sacrificed herself for Will and they got in together. Brrrr!

Saturday morning Will and I went with Melissa and Elyse to the church Easter egg hunt. It was a gorgeous day and the kids had a blast. Will kept saying "I need more eggs!", grab a couple, and then abandon his basket for more important things -- the playground equipment! I did manage to get a couple of pictures of him in action...please note the hat that he absolutely would NOT leave the house without and insisted on wearing it -- but it had to be backwards. There you go Uncle Bob -- a little shout out for you in Houston. :)

After a much needed and very long nap, Will had some family time with Nana, Grandpa, Uncle Craig, and Aunt Sarah! The highlight of the night was Will's first egg dyeing experience. I'm not sure who enjoyed it more...Will, or his dad and uncle. We are all truly kids at heart, aren't we?

Easter morning! Uncle Bob, you would be proud once again (twice in the same post - geesh!) -- we made a traditional Berens family breakfast for the holiday. That's right...Egg in a hole! I'm not sure I got the recipe right without you here to guide me...:)

Thanks to some wonderful fellow church goers, we were able to snag a rare family photo -- and it actually turned out pretty good!

Here's Will with his little girlfriend, Elyse, in the nursery. Don't they look adorable?? They never both stay seated and in the same picture -- it was an Easter miracle all it's own!

We attempted a little photo shoot in the courtyard at church after the service too -- notice there are not any pics of the two kids together at this point. This one makes me laugh because I think it looks like he's posing for senior portraits. :)

And the weekend wouldn't be complete without...another Easter egg hunt! Will and Elyse had their own personal hunt before lunch Sunday -- I think they had the hang of it, don't you?

And yes, this would be another Easter basket -- he had so many we had to use different ones for every hunt!

Happy Easter everyone!

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