Tuesday, October 18, 2011


It goes without saying, but I'll say it anyway -- we are so blessed. We have such wonderful people in our lives, near and far, and we are always reminded of that at times like this weekend. We celebrated Bellamy's baptism with some of the most important people in our lives and it was so fun to have all of them together! Thanks to Aunt B (as always) we have a few pictures to document this important day.

Here we are -- this may be the first picture of us as a family of four?!?

And my guys hanging out before the ceremony...:)

Will settling in with Grandma before the service -- we weren't sure how he would do sitting in traditional church, on the front row, for the whole service. He did great! We asked him if he wanted to leave after the baptism so he could go play, and he said he wanted to stay. He started to get kind of antsy towards the end, but I was SO impressed. What a guy. :)

Our little lady in her big moment. Of course she had to make her presence known a few times, but overall, she was great. She was so interested in what Chuck was saying -- she doesn't miss a thing!

It is a double blessing to be able to have Bellamy baptized by Chuck Simmons. As well as being a fantastic pastor, we are also lucky enough to consider him a good friend. It takes an already significant moment and magnifies it. Thank you Chuck.

And then there's these two. They could not wait to take pictures together at the altar. Cheese!!

Afterwards we had everyone over to our house for lunch and a little time to celebrate with those we love. We were so lucky to have my sister and mom in town along with Todd's family and many of our close friends with us for this special occasion. Our normally sleepy, nap loving little one stayed up all afternoon to party with her admirers. It was a truly wonderful day!

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