Monday, March 25, 2013


 There are many times that I write about how crazy hot it is here.  But there are also many times of year that it is beautiful -- and now is certainly one of them!  Spring in Houston is always great...awesome weather and tons of activities to help take advantage of it all at the same time.  So sorry for those of you reading this in between snow shoveling sessions...but maybe it will entice you to come visit us, huh?:)

The first sign of spring around here, especially for Will is that the rodeo is in town.  He looks forward to it ALL year.  This year we went a couple of times to make sure to have time for all the stuff he loves to do and introduce Bellamy to all of the fun too.  It is always a blast to see how excited they get!

Our first trip we went with the Simmons/Lewis crew, and it was quite the adventure with five little ones to keep track of!

Here's B and Thomas checking out the pony rides.  They weren't quite ready to ride, but they had a great time watching the big kids and waving at them as they rode by.

The petting zoo...seriously, how many pictures can I take of my kids petting animals??  Bellamy had a great time as long as Todd stayed right next to her...she wasn't interested in venturing out by herself and I don't blame her...a couple of goats almost ate my shirt. ;)

Checking out the mutton bustin.  Her favorite part was definitely the part of the cheerleader because she loved clapping for everyone!  That will work out great since Will is absolutely convinced that he is doing the mutton busting next year when he is finally 5.

Will and Elyse always crack me up -- when you can catch them hanging out without knowing anyone is taking a picture, you really see how much they do love spending time together.  Here they are comparing their crops at Fun on the Farm.

Our little farmer.  This year he asked Todd how old you have to be to raise your own animals.  We asked him what he wants to have and he told us pigs.  Who wants him?:)


Bellamy's not quite as ready to get in there with the big ones...she's content petting these cute little (can completely contained) ones for now. 

Grandma and Bellamy getting ready for their Fun on the Farm excursion.  This year's crop -- carrots!  After all their hard work AJ made sure B made a great choice with her hard earned money in the grocery store.

I think the highlight of this year's rodeo experience was Will's tractor pull adventure.  It was a new thing this year and you only had to be 4 -- so he was in!  It was SO fun to watch and he did a great job!
Check out the Astrodome in the background!

Our proud little tractor puller with his hard earned ribbon.  He wore it the entire day.

Okay, moving on from rodeo festivities...

Here's sweet girl with her first real haircut experience at the kids salon.  Obviously Aunt Debbie must be her preferred stylist because she screamed the entire time.  Luckily we were the only ones there!

Did I mention I LOVE the weather this time of year?  Mom and Jess were here for the week of spring break and we took full advantage of absolutely perfect weather.  There was lots of yard work, trips to the park, playing in the backyard, and just plain sitting and enjoying the weather like this...

Here's B enjoying the weather herself...jamming to "She Don't Know She's Beautiful"...I hate to break it to her, but I think she is well aware, don't you?

How is it already Easter?  Gotta kick it off with some Easter egg dyeing of course!  Will found a jungle animal set of egg decorating stuff, so of course he had to invite Elyse over to help him with it.  And we long ago decided that Todd was in charge of the dyeing process -- gotta put all that Art talent to use, right?

 Happy Spring everyone!

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