Monday, September 23, 2013

Long time coming...

Ok, so I'm not going to win any mom points for posting this a month after school started, but least I got it up here, right? :)  And anyone who knows Will knows that he and school have been a long time coming -- and I'm not sure that school knows quite what hit it!:)

Here goes our little big guy -- not hesitating a moment as he walked away from me and off into kinder - I barely got him to stop long enough to take a picture.

Since this is a little on the late side, let's just say I was waiting to give a true beginning of the year update.  No surprise, it's going great!  Will has told us that he's not sure that school has actually started yet...poor teacher...hopefully things pick up for him soon. :)

Love my guy -- so excited to start this new adventure with him!

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