Friday, November 1, 2013

October fun

October is always such a whirlwind around here between fall festivals and sports and halloween and...well, you get the picture.  And speaking of pictures, I might have gone overboard on how many I included in this post...but they all tell such great stories.  I tried to narrow it down, I promise.

The pumpkin patch!  One of Will's favs of October is always the church pumpkin patch.  It's one of my favs too because it is usually a great opportunity for some good fall pics.  I say usually because this year, not so much.  Every weekend something seemed to happen whether it was bad weather or illness or crazy schedules and the next thing I knew it was the last weekend of the pumpkins and we had no wonderful pics!  Ahh!

Needless to say, the weather still didn't cooperate and the patch was pretty picked over, but we made it work.  Will was determined to find a nice big pumpkin for he and Daddy to carve.  B?  Not as interested in the whole situation...(more on that later...keep reading!)

Ewwww...lots of rain = plenty of nasty pumpkins too.  

B checking it all out.  Not smiling, but not crying either, so we'll have to include it here because this was about as good as it was going to get with her that day.

Because this is what that turned into.  Didn't want to be in pumpkin patch, but didn't want to not be there either.  So what's the logical thing to do?  Stop in the parking lot and refuse to move, of course! with a 2 year old girl.  It's awesome.

Happy Trunk Treats everyone!  We couldn't miss the church parking lot extravaganza to kick off candy season.  Here's the crew -- an actual decent picture of all four of them -- on our way out to gather treats and have some fun.

Trick or treat!

Gotta sit down and enjoy some of your goodies immediately.  It's the only way to ensure that mom and dad won't eat them after you go to bed...

A great way to spend a fall Sunday evening.  A little music, a whole lot of treats, and some time with your big brother just taking it all in.

 Then it was on to actual Halloween night!  Before we went out into the neighborhood in search of more treats, we had some fun Halloween treats of our own for dinner. :)

And they are off!  Our shark wrangling scuba diver and his little cheerleader in tow.  I think it's safe to say they had a great time and we had October success for one more year. :)

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