Friday, March 14, 2014

Is it here yet??

I know this probably doesn't go over very well with those of you north of us, but we are ready for spring around here!  I mean, I realize our winter is not real winter, but it has actually been kind of cold and gross here this year and I am ready for it to be over!  Usually by spring break we have all kinds of beautiful color and sunshine, but it's really being slow about getting here this year.  Instead what we have is leaves.  Lots and lots of leaves.  Falling constantly.  The bright side is that not a single acorn is littering our yard this year, and they are a whole lot harder to clean up than leaves.  And you can't really jump in piles of acorns.  

So I guess for now I'll keep raking...and re-raking when these two destroy the piles by playing in them.  Oh well...some day it will be their turn to rake but for now they are only little for a little while, right?:)

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