Wednesday, February 3, 2010

January odds and ends

Where did January go?? We had so many exciting things happening, I lost track of time! So here are a few of the highlights to keep you posted on our busy month.

I ran another half marathon this year -- in Phoenix this time. Two friends and I met in Phoenix for a girls weekend and to participate in the Rock and Roll half marathon. There were some injuries (not to me, thank goodness!) that didn't let the running part pan out like we had planned, but the rest of the weekend was great. It was so much fun to get the chance to hang out with faraway friends and not be distracted by those little things like

Of course we were so busy having fun, that we forgot to take any pictures! This is literally the only one I got. Mary wasn't able to participate in the run because of an unexpected foot surgery, so we celebrated early with a few Marathon beers instead. :)

The next weekend two of our favorite people came to visit -- Amber and Justin! Amber will always have a special place in our hearts and home after living with us a few years ago and we always love the chance to hang out. She has quite the fan club here in Houston, so we invited a few of those people over while they were here to catch up...they hadn't been in town since Will was born!

There are a few more kids added to the party now -- wow how things have changed since Am lived with us. :)

Not quite everything is different though...Todd and Justin are still up to their late night mischief. This trip it came in the form of tabletop football. Yep, the game every middle school boy learns to play. And apparently secretly still wants to play as grown men -- just with the addition of some adult beverages at their side. :)

Then the last weekend of January we had the opportunity for Nebraska winter, take two. We flew up to Nebraska for a quick weekend for a very important person and event -- Mom graduated from college! It was very special to get to share this experience with mom. And, as an added bonus, we got to see quite a few of the people that we missed during the holidays due to the storms.

Here's the graduate!

Whew! What a month!

1 comment:

Krissy said...

Love the update! I was going to tell you that unless you posted soon I was taking you off the blogroll! Congrats to your mom!