Sunday, February 28, 2010


It's the last weekend of February and we got our first taste of the potential of spring! I know that all of you reading this in the midwest are not all that impressed with our whining, but it has been unnaturally cold here this winter and we're tired of it! If I wanted to have to wear a coat and be stuck inside, I would just move home! :)

So first, a few pics of one of Will's favorite pastime lately -- see how bad we need to get out?

Lately Will seems to think every time he sees a camera that he needs to say "CHEESE!" and smile as big as possible. Super cute, but doesn't exactly lead to me capturing the moment I was attempting to when I got out the camera. This time was no exception...

Sneaky Pete here has figured out how to get around the child latches we installed (read: broke them) on the doors that he was interested in and can now get out the pots and pans. So if I'm in the kitchen, the natural thing to do is to "cook" with me -- which means each and every pan MUST come out of the cabinet. Here he is caught in the act.

What, Mom? Is there a problem?

This weekend was the annual Rodeo Run here in Houston that kicks off the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo that takes place most of the month of March. It's always a lot of fun and raises tons of money for scholarships. Saturday was perfect weather and I ran in the 10K race while Todd and Will cheered on all the runners at the finish line. It wasn't quite the same without Amber here to run with me, but it was a great run nonetheless. And our friend Becky ran the race too -- her 1st 10K! We were all so proud of her and celebrated with brunch after the race.

Woohoo Becky!

Another sign that spring is near -- baseball! The Rice Invitational is always at the beginning of the season and Nebraska usually starts their year with an appearance. Since it was so nice out, we decided to go and take Will to his first official sporting event. Added bonus -- when we were headed to the box office to buy tickets, a very nice Rice fan (and in our experience, they are few and far between -- the nice ones that is) gave us some tickets! They were great seats -- right behind the Nebraska dugout. It gave Will the perfect spot to watch "ball" and give us a play by play -- "throw the ball, catch the ball!" I'm sure the fans around us got a little tired of him letting them know what was going on, but he didn't want anyone to miss anything. :)

The guys taking in a little baseball...

A Nebraska fan gave Will a baseball when we got there -- maybe not the best choice since he then wanted to throw it -- and we tried to prevent it from rolling off the dugout and on to someone's head.

Ever heard of a glare delay? Apparently when you have a ballpark in the middle of a city, this is a problem. There is a Hilton hotel high rise that overlooks the park. At a certain time of day during a certain time of the year, the sun hits it and there is a glare in the batters' eyes, so they delay the game until it's gone. It takes about 15 minutes or so and then things start back up. Here are the guys playing around while we wait for the action to get going. We knew it was time to go back and pay attention again when Todd got hit in the leg with a foul ball. :)

Here's Will letting me know what's going on in the game...

It was a great weekend with a much needed taste of spring. Can't wait for more days like these -- they'll be here before we know it, right???

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