Saturday, January 1, 2011

December Part 2

Whew! What a holiday season! For the first time in a long time we didn't travel at all and instead enjoyed everyone coming to us. It was so fun! Unfortunately for all of you, we may decide to do this more often. :) A big thank you to my family for all making the trip -- it made Will's first Christmas at home a very memorable one.

Here are a few pics from the rest of our holidays...

Will was really into the Christmas light displays this year and loved driving around looking at them. So we decided that while my mom was here we would go to the Festival of Lights in Galveston. It is at Moody Gardens and is advertised as the largest light display on the Gulf -- it was pretty spectacular. There's a million things to do there, but we just took in the walking trail of lights -- and that was plenty. Will loved it! He was so upset to leave and wanted to keep looking at lights, but I think he was asleep before we even made it to the bridge out of Galveston. These pictures don't really do it any justice, but here's a little idea...

Christmas day we enjoyed a lazy day around the house. Here's Will starting off his day with some Christmas breakfast -- happy birthday Jesus! I found the decorations last year and it's become a little tradition with us to start our day off with Jesus' birthday party. :)

Here's Will checking out his new farm that was waiting for him on Christmas morning. He's got quite the set up now -- combines, tractors, animals, you name it! What's funny is that most people around here don't know what a combine is -- but Will is quick to explain that you use it to harvest corn and wheat - and show you which attachments to use for each. Making those John Deere genes proud!

The day after Christmas we headed to Humble to celebrate with Todd's family. Three toddler boys + a reason to celebrate = lots of fun in the Tones house! I didn't even get a chance to take any pictures -- this is all I've got!

My mom gave us a membership to the zoo for Christmas -- which quite possibly might be the best thing ever since it may be one of Will's favorite places on earth. The weather was nice this week so we decided to take advantage of our time off and take him there. As soon as we said we were going he didn't stop talking about all the things he was going to see -- and the top of the list this time was the...llama?? Luckily he was in the petting zoo -- mission accomplished! We didn't get any pics with the llama, but Will did have a good time petting and brushing all the goats. I have a feeling we will be back very soon...and of course now he also realizes that the dinosaur museum and the train are also right next door to the zoo...we are in trouble!

It has been a wonderful 2010 and we look forward to all the blessings that 2011 will bring. Thank you to all of you that contributed to our special holiday season - we are so fortunate to have each of you in our lives. Happy New Year everyone!

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