Friday, February 4, 2011

Team R42

As we sit here on our "snow day" I finally have a chance to update the blog! Now remember, we are talking about Houston. The entire city has been shut down in anticipation of the winter storm that was supposed to hit overnight. There have been rolling blackouts and 24 hour news coverage awaiting the ice and snow that was guaranteed to come....but hasn't. At least not at our house. Apparently there are parts of the city with some ice, and any ice at all in this city causes serious chaos. This midwest girl is staying off the roads and away from all these crazy southerners that don't know what they are doing!

So back to is it already gone?

For the most part, it has been pretty calm around here. Lots going on at work with the change of semesters, but not a lot else. Except for last weekend...

I went for a little run with over 20,000 other people in Houston -- the Houston half marathon! Our friends Chris and Melissa ran with me and Todd manned the cheering section of two toddlers and dedicated adults that stood in the rain to cheer us on.

I've run a half marathon each January for the last few years, and this year Melissa wanted to try it (and did a great job!) so we all decided to run together. Of course when we signed up no one was pregnant, and now both Melissa and I are, so that made things a little more interesting. But we just used it as inspiration for a team name, Running for Two (Team R42)! Tshirts were made and off we went!

Getting my post race hug -- to which Will quickly let go and said, "You're wet, Mommy." Thanks bud. At least on the way back to the car he also said, "that was a good race Mommy." That was more what I was looking for! :)

Team R42 -- Finishers!

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