Thursday, April 28, 2011

Happy Easter!

Our Easter weekend was packed with fun activities and lots of time with friends and family! I wanted to make sure that I got a few pictures up now -- it seems like springtime around here is always jammed with fun stuff and I didn't want to get too far behind. Not to mention that Will has a new big boy room that we need to show off... but one thing at a time! :)

We started our weekend festivities with a little Easter egg dyeing at home. Here's Todd at his art teacher best, giving a little tutorial to his students. They actually paid really close attention and did a great job with a little help.

The next morning we headed to the church Easter egg hunt. We took the kids over to the little kids hunt first to make sure they secured some eggs and then we tried out the big kid hunt -- as you can see our little guy fit right in and didn't miss a beat!

Our Saturday didn't stop there, although you wouldn't know it by my lack of picture taking...:( After hunting eggs we headed to Humble to see Todd's family. It was a bonus visit because Eric and Sania were in town and we got to spend some time with them. So just picture this...lots of graduation celebrating (go Eric!), egg dyeing part 2, and Easter baskets galore!

It's become a tradition of ours to have dinner at Chuck and Carol's on Easter Sunday and this year was no exception. It turned out to be a beautiful day and all the kids and adults had a great time. Carol always does a great job of having fun stuff for the kids to do and the adults always get a chance to catch up and enjoy some time together as well.

Checking out the yard pool game ...

Will and Elyse having a great time with their new game!

Kiddie table = dinner date!

Somehow we didn't manage to attempt a family picture at all this Easter -- whoops! Just trust that we were all there and in our Easter finest as we enjoyed a great weekend of family, friends, and fellowship -- exactly the way it should be!

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