Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Being a house of educators we are predestined for crazy May days, but it seems like we really decided to take it up a notch around here this year. First we had Will's birthday, then we headed to Nebraska for a quick weekend, took in a little Houston art car parade, and all of the sudden -- it's Memorial weekend! All while Todd and I are trying to wrap up the end of the school year, and oh, did we mention we had a baby coming in about 35 days??

We've already given the scoop on the big guy's birthday, so here's the other stuff we've been up to around here. We decided to take one last trip to Nebraska before Bob gets here since we won't be able to travel this summer. It was so fun to see everyone, but it was cold! There were record low temps while we were there (I mean, seriously, 45 in May??) But we threw on some jackets and had a ton of fun anyway.

We were lucky to have Jess take the day off on Friday and spend the day playing with us. We took Will to the Children's Museum for the afternoon and he had a blast. Of course there was one particular exhibit that we had a hard time pulling him away from...

Yep, the farm.

You have to pick corn to feed all your animals, of course!

The next day even though it wasn't the warmest, we decided to stick with our plans and take Will to the Omaha zoo. He LOVES animals and the Houston zoo so I have been wanting to take him in Omaha because they have such a great zoo. And as an added bonus, our friends the Sears joined us! Luke and Will are only a couple of weeks apart and it is always fun to get them together when we are in town. Now we just need to convince them to come our way for a trip...:)

Will having a little chat with a friend...

Crossing the bridge -- and thinking he's pretty hot stuff, I might add.

We've certainly come a long way, haven't we? :)

Remember that baby we have coming?? Well some of my wonderful co-workers decided we needed to celebrate the upcoming arrival and threw us a pretty incredible diaper day. Todd's school also threw us a shower this month and we are definitely "pampered" in this house right now! We are very fortunate to work with such generous people -- they are really amazing.

Houston has an incredible art car parade every year. This year the weather was great and we thought Will would love seeing all the cars decorated so we packed up some snacks, drinks, and chairs and headed downtown to check things out. Will was fascinated -- and I don't think his dad was far behind...I think it brought back some art memories for him too. :)

Will's favorite car of the day -- I said it was a chicken, he informed me it was a rooster. Whichever, it was huge!

Yay! Given credit where credit is due...:)

Kicking back and enjoying the show -- they both look so serious!

And I think that pretty much sums up our May...at least so far! Time to wrap up the school year and bring on the summer fun!

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