Monday, August 22, 2011

First day of school and 2 months old!

Geez -- what a big day around here! Today Bellamy turned two months old, which unfortunately for her just meant a dr.'s appt with lots of shots. :( But it was also Will's first day of preschool!

First - our little lady. She's doing great! She's continuing to go up the growth chart and hit all her milestones. We still do a lot of this...

But we are also doing a lot more of this!

And, my personal favorite, we see a lot more of these! :)

And the big man on campus -- or around our house anyway -- Will! He has been so excited to start preschool and the day finally came today. He was up SO early! I was planning on trying to take a couple pictures of him at school, but as soon as we got there he took off and was gone playing before I could even come close to taking a pic. Luckily I had taken a couple before we left the house. He looks so cute in his little uniform!

Here he is with his Primrose backpack...all ready to fill up with fun stuff at school!

And this is my favorite one -- Bellamy is looking at us as if saying, "seriously, do you not see that it is still dark outside?? What are you so excited about??"

So another school year (which is really how we measure years in this house!) has started and we are all settling in to our new routines. Todd has started as an AP at Elsik this year, Will is at Primrose, Bellamy has met (and begun to be spoiled by) Miss Wanda, and I am going back to work at Kerr. We are ready for a new year filled with lots of exciting milestones -- all the way around! Happy new year everyone. :)

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