Tuesday, August 2, 2011


Is it seriously already August? I feel like Bellamy in this picture -- completely oblivious to the world around me. :)

I can't believe that the entire month of July has come and gone! We had lots of fun visitors and adventures, and I virtually captured none of it on film. :( I think I was kind of in a haze most of the month and now that I woke up and found out it was August, I am vowing to do better! But here are some highlights of our month, not all with visuals to aid the story, but updates nonetheless. :)

Mom was here for a week, and Will was soooo happy! I think he wore her out, but Todd and I sure did appreciate having someone else around to have the joy of an early morning wake up call and a constant barrage of "why???" When she wasn't chasing him around playing hide and seek (and sometimes even when she was) she spent a lot of time snuggling with our little lady. This is literally the ONLY picture I have of her visit...so sad. I'm really not making a case for that new camera, am I?:)

Then the next week was a whirlwind of activity as Will went to VBS at our church and finished up his swim lessons at Houston Swim Club. He loved VBS and we are still listening to the CD of bible songs in the car -- we have the love of Jesus down in our hearts around here! It was a nice preview of how he is going to do going to "school" in the fall -- and I think he will love it! Poor Bellamy suffered from the curse of the second child for the whole week as we spent a ton of time in the car carting Mr. Will around to all his activities. Luckily it doesn't appear that she minded much...

Surprisingly, he also loved swim lessons. He's never been much of a fish at the pool, but after a few weeks with Mr. Cody, he can't get enough of the water. Here he is proudly showing off his certificate -- graduating from the guppies! He liked it so much that he is taking a few more classes through the month of August.

And of course we had to celebrate with ice cream!

We've even braved the heat a little to try out Will's birthday skates! All of the sudden he just had to get out and skate, so we've taken a few short trips up and down the street as he figures them out.

Along the way Bellamy turned one month old! She is following in her brother's footsteps and staying at the high end of the growth chart, although not quite as close to the top as he did. :) At one month she is in the 75th percentile for both height(?) and weight, weighing about 10 1/2 lbs. She is already showing signs of being an early mover -- she's already managed to flip herself over to her stomach a couple times and her legs are constantly moving when she is awake. If you've been around her at all you also know that she talks ALL the time! She is constantly cooing or yelping or something...and according to the dr. she does "2 month coos"??? Not so sure what that is, but I know she is making sure we always know where she is. :) We've also seen a few genuine smiles -- so cute! But for the most part, we're still doing a lot of eating and sleeping around here, which is probably why we look like this. :)

Then Amber came to visit! I have absolutely zero pictures of her trip, but I can say that she was definitely Will's buddy the whole time. He is still talking about her and wanting to go visit her -- we've already had to Skype with her. :) We had a great time and the visit was much too short...

In closing, a few words from the proud big brother...

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